Case Study


Start-up – Financial information

Client wants financial information (Revenue & Valuation) for selected start-ups in Drone industry.

Resources Assigned
Project Type

Financial research


Consulting Firm



Project Completion

The Problem

It was required to research about revenue & valuation of each startup and value for each start-up is in INR Cr.

The Solution

“Our team performed research through Crunchbase, Tracxn, Pitchbook, Zoominfo & other web search sources to find the financial information We have also checked press release of the start-ups for the information”

Understanding Startup Financial Information

Startup financial information availability is very limited

Understanding Currency Conversion

Currency conversion required due to multiple sources for the information

The Impact we created

With the given information client can evaluate each start-up as per their revenue & valuation. Client can use the information for investment purposes in Drone industry.

Understanding Startup Evaluation

Evaluate the startup on basis of the revenue & valuation details

Key Players in the Drone Industry

Offer insights for future investments in drone industry