Case Study


Benchmarking of hospital chain capabilities

Client was consulting a large Indian healthcare organization and was needed supported benchmarking its oncology capabilities with global leaders.

Resources Assigned
Project Type

Detailed Research


Consulting Firm



Project Completion

February, 2023

The Problem

Our charge was to efficiently and comprehensively tabulate the oncology capability of all three organizations and benchmark them to precisely understand the gap areas.

The Solution

Our team meticulously mapped out every capability of Indian org given by client and the provided global leaders. Ranging from pathology, surgery, new technologies, new and innovative surgeries and many more. Then, our team individually compared the availability of every capability in all 3 organizations and benchmarked them side by side for easier visuals.

Industry trends

Research through multiple resources to build our grit in understanding of the industry firstly

Technical Knowledge

Used our diversified team with medical background to be more comprehensive and accurate which made us quickly swerve through the barrier

The Impact we created

Our final output proved to be highly beneficial in taking an overview of unavailable capabilities in the provided Indian organization in comparison of the international leaders. Our support also introduced the client in understanding new trends/techs in medical industry which Apollo can introduce.

New Trends

Introduced with the understanding of new trends/techs in medical industry which the client can offer

Global Benchmark

Overview of unavailable capabilities in the provided Indian organization in comparison of the international leaders